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You intend to work efficiently, use your full potential and handle the growing pressure in your business life in a constructive manner.

Challenges such as tight time schedules, working across multiple time zones, international competition and globalization requires an enormous amount of adaptability and flexibility.

Kinesiology can help you to maintain your balance and overcome exhaustion, jetlag, symptoms of burnout, emotional stress or sleep disorders. It can also be very useful when facing mental challenges (negotiations, presentations, job interview, public speaking), emotional problems (fear of failure, lack of motivation, performance pressure) and physical symptoms (muscle tension, back pain, lack of vitality).

If you like to…
Optimize your performance
– Rely on physical fitness and mental sharpness when facing challenges and acting under stress
– Improve your quality of life
– Harmonize your work, family and private life
– Dissolve destructive behavior patterns and manifest positive changes
– Enhance authenticity and self-confidence
– Improve your brain functions and memory
– Create clarity of intention and joy of life


Corporate Wellbeing

As an employer, do you care about the wellbeing of your employees?
Do you bear responsibility for your staff?
Are you aware about the correlation between mental/physical wellbeing and work efficiency?

Kinesiology gives you a tool to limit the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of stress for your employees and improve performance and wellbeing.

How does it work?

  • You do have a quiet room in your company which can serve as a convenient place for kinesiology
  • A kinesiology balance will take about 45 minutes
  • The benefit for your employees: improve performance both physically and mentally, gain focus and clarity, handle challenges in a constructive way